Prime Minister Imran Khan Tuesday stressed upon the legislators of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) and allied parties to fully focus on highlighting the issues of public interest and their resolution through legislation during the year 2020.
The prime minister said the cancer of corruption has hollowed the country’s economy and its elimination is the basic component of the manifesto of the PTI government. Talking to members of Senate belonging to PTI and its allied parties, the prime minister also renewed his pledge to bring the corrupt elements to book with continuation of efforts against the evil.
During the meeting, the overall situation in the country, government-led reforms during the last year as well as in the upcoming year, relevant legislation over the public issues and strategy for carrying the benefits of government’s achievements to the public during the year 2019 were discussed in detail.
The prime minister said the present government is implementing an agenda of reforms and public welfare. Despite the most difficult economic situation, its efforts led to economic stabilization, restoring confidence of the business and investors communities. He said the improvement in economic indicators was also acknowledged by the World Bank and other leading international institutions.
Declaring 2020 as the year of public relief, he said in the upcoming year, the government will strive to further bring stability in the economic system so that its fruits can be reaped by the common man, thus bringing betterment in their lives.
The senators expressed their full confidence in the government’s efforts on the economic front and appreciated the launch of different public welfare programmes like Ehsas, establishment of Panah Gahs, and Langar Khana, etc.
Separately, Prime Minister Imran Khan Tuesday paid surprise visits to the Pakistan Institute of Medical Sciences (PIMS) and Polyclinic, and inquired about the health of the patients.
The prime minister took round of different departments of the two major hospitals of the federal capital and inquired about the provision of health and treatment facilities, the PM Office Media Wing said in a press release.
On the occasion, he also discussed with the hospitals’ administrations the existing health facilities and directed them to provide quality health and treatment facilities to the patients.